Friday, November 18, 2011

At the MV & EE show/party last weekend Rouper Brian bought lots of treats like usual. There were...generic Oreos, generic iced cookies, Cheese-Nips, and Dum Dums. Actually, now that he thinks about it, he could have bought a lot more that what he did, shucks.
 He wanted a Dum Dum realllllly bad. He had already drank his beer and wanted five minutes to himself after the constant slew of socializing. There were sooo many people there. Not that he doesnt like socializing he just wanted a little candy break... ANYWAYYYY.....
So, he reached in the bag of Dum Dums (oh what a pleasant experience that is - the not knowing what flavor you'll get) and pulled out a rather curious flavor he wasnt familiar with.... something called Savannah Blueberry. Hmmm. And then he noticed it said "WINNER!" on the wrapper. Sweet mercy!!!! And then, half drunk, he tried to focus on the small writing at the bottom of the wrapper. All he could make out was "...$2, your own flavor..." WOWWW. This was his big break! He could live at Roup forever with all that moula. He ran up to his room with the lolipop wrapper and hid it so only he would remain the (greedy) winner! 
{ this is all true, but in the interest of time and to keep a unremarkable story short, after he sobered up, he found out online that a little girl named Savannah won the prize money, IPod and this flavor was named after her, and that he had read the wrapper wrong.}

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