Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Poem

Come to Roup for coffee and tea
Come to Roup to eat food off of our shelf
Come to Roup to hear about all of the rumors you've yet to hear about yourself

Come to Roup for games
Come to Roup to expand your mind
Come to Roup for people to make fun of your funky big behind

Come to Roup for movie night
Come to Roup for pleasure and lore
Come to Roup to wonder why we've yet to scrape the crud off the floor

Come to Roup for music
Come to Roup for amazement
Come to Roup to watch people do weird sh#t in the basement


we havent updated for a long time for so many reasons but there will be updates to tell you what has been worlding it up in our happenings and our happenstance very soon and all will be revealed such as this:

Monday, April 11, 2011

{ Email sent to Rouper Brian regarding possible internet pirating at our house. We may all go to prison }

Dear Verizon Online Customer: 

This is an important matter that requires your immediate attention. 

We are writing to advise you that we recently received a second notice from a copyright owner of possible copyright violation that appears to involve your Verizon Online account (the "Complaint"). The work(s) identified by the copyright owner in its Complaint are listed below. 

We are contacting you because our records indicate that the Internet protocol (IP) address provided to us by the copyright owner was assigned to your service on the date and time identified by the copyright owner. While this activity may have occurred without your permission or knowledge by an unauthorized user, or perhaps by a minor who may not fully understand the copyright laws, as the primary account holder, you are legally responsible for all activity originating from your account. 

Copyright work(s) identified in the Complaint: 

Copyright infringement level: 2 
Notice ID: 1332878780 
Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 
Protocol: BitTorrent 
IP Address:
File Name: 
File Size: 
Timestamp: 04-10-2011 23:39:15 UTC 

Copyright infringement is a serious matter that violates U.S. copyright law and subjects infringers to criminal and civil liability. It also violates our Acceptable Use Policy(http://www2.verizon.net/policies/acceptable_use.asp) and Terms of Service (http://www2.verizon.net/policies/tos.asp). If you, or someone using your Internet connection, are engaged in the conduct alleged by the copyright owner, we urge you to stop (and ensure that anyone else who might have access to your Internet connection also stops). 

Protecting Your Privacy: The copyright owner has not asked Verizon to identify you, and Verizon will NOT provide your identity without a lawful subpoena or other lawful process. However, if the copyright owner does issue a lawful subpoena or other lawful process that seeks information about your identity or account, Verizon will be legally required to provide the requested information to the copyright owner. 

If you have questions regarding this notice or would like to view Frequently Asked Questions about copyrights and piracy please visit us at www.verizon.net/copyrightfaq. 

We appreciate your cooperation on this matter. 


Verizon Online